One of the best things about summer is relaxing outside and enjoying live music. Our annual Summer Concert Series is here to help. Join us on Wednesday, August 14 at 7pm for a traditional summer treat: the Hilliard Community Band. This weeks concert will be held at the Norwich Pavilion in the Hilliard Historical Village at Weaver Park
The Hilliard Community Band is a concert band made up of over 50 volunteer musicians in the Hilliard Area, going strong now for over 20 years. Initially founded by John Crumley, legendary band director for over 30 years in the Hilliard City Schools, the band continues to live his legacy through the leadership of his proteges and relatives.
These concerts are made possible in part due to a Tourism Attraction Grant from Destination Hilliard and generous gifts from Coffee Connections and the Rotary Club of Hilliard.